Exploring native BC plants!

category Weekly Reflections

This is the category to apply to your Weekly Reflection posts from the course.

Presentation Reflection

To start off, our groups inquiry question was “what is a tool that we can use to encourage physical activity in any classroom?”. The majority of my group was PHE teachers and so we were trying to find ways to… Continue Reading →

Weekly Reflection 10

This week we had group presentations! One of my favourite presentations was the one that talked about cyber bullying. I think this is a super relevant topic in classrooms today that is seldom talked about. Cyber bullying is something that… Continue Reading →

Weekly Reflection 9

Using AI as a student can be a useful tool to enhance learning. One example teachers can use AI in the classroom is for research. Students can be given a certain topic that they are learning about and students can… Continue Reading →

Weekly Reflection 7

As a language teacher, I think that gamified learning is a very relevant topic. When I was learning French in high school, I remember the classes always having some sort of game that was normally used as a warm up/review…. Continue Reading →

Weekly Reflection 6

This week we talked about disability and inclusion in the classroom and how to make assignments, the classroom space and the technology we use accessible to everyone. We started off the class by talking about how there are a significant… Continue Reading →

Weekly Reflection 5

This week in class we talked about the positive and negatives of online learning. This is a very relevant topic for students who experienced online learning during the pandemic. Some of the negatives include the lack of social interaction and… Continue Reading →

Weekly Reflection 4

Unfortunately, this week I missed class because it was thanksgiving weekend and I went home to see my family! However, I talked to some friends about what was covered in class content and they all mentioned using Microsoft Designer as… Continue Reading →

Weekly Reflection 3

This week in class we talked about the positives and negatives of using instructional videos to further learning. Overall, I think that videos can serve as a useful tool to help kids become more engaged in their learning, but it… Continue Reading →

Weekly Reflection 2

This week in class we talked about how to integrate technology into the classroom and how it can be a helpful tool that enables us to do activities and lessons that we would not have been able to do previously…. Continue Reading →

Weekly Reflection 1

This week in class, we learned about how to safely store student’s personal information online using the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) along with copyright policies for teachers as content creators. Something that stood out to… Continue Reading →

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