Red Huckleberries are shrubs that can grow up to 4 metres tall. They have bright green branches and small oval leaves that closely ressemble spearmint leaves. These bushes are found in coastal coniferous forests in shaded areas and they are commonly found growing on rotting logs and stumps. Birds will commonly eat these berries and distribute the seeds to different parts of the forest, so sometimes you can find these bushes growing up in the crooks of trees. These plants also have greenish-yellow bell shaped flowers that turn into bright red berries.

Red Huckleberries are eaten by indigenous groups and they can be eaten fresh, mashed or dried for the winter. They have a sweet taste with a little kick of sour. These berries are an excellent source of vitamin C and can be gargled with a combination of bark and leaves to help soothe a sore throat. Another common use for these berries was as fishing bait because of its ressemblance to fish eggs.